It is that time again time to look back and see which players graded out the best and what players have work to do. Top 5 offensive players against FSU:
1. Moe Neal
2. Abdul Adams
3. Matthew Bergeron
4. Chris Elmore
5. Aaron Hackett
Bottom 5 offensive players:
5. Taj Harris
4. Tommy Devito
3. Evan Adams
2. Airon Servais
1. Carlos Vettorello
Top 5 defensive players:
1. Eric Coley
2. Evan Foster
3. Allen Stritzinger
4. KJ Ruff
5. Iffy Melifonwu
Bottom 5 defenders:
5. Andre Cisco
4. Andrew Armstrong
3. Antwan Cordy
2. Tyrell Richards
1. Lakiem Williams
1. Moe Neal
2. Abdul Adams
3. Matthew Bergeron
4. Chris Elmore
5. Aaron Hackett
Bottom 5 offensive players:
5. Taj Harris
4. Tommy Devito
3. Evan Adams
2. Airon Servais
1. Carlos Vettorello
Top 5 defensive players:
1. Eric Coley
2. Evan Foster
3. Allen Stritzinger
4. KJ Ruff
5. Iffy Melifonwu
Bottom 5 defenders:
5. Andre Cisco
4. Andrew Armstrong
3. Antwan Cordy
2. Tyrell Richards
1. Lakiem Williams